Configuring Federated Signin in Amplify

Abhishek Kumar
2 min readApr 29, 2021

This post is for people who are using AWS Amplify and having trouble configuring federated signin.

I am working on a project which requires using firebase as the OIDC (OpenID Connect) identity provider (IdP). So, firebase token is used to login as a federated user.

Link to official documentation:

U may have got errors like Error: Federation requires either a User Pool or Identity Pool in config . This arise due to version conflicts and not correctly importing the required modules.

Step1: First thing is to create an identity pool in AWS cognito and give it permissions to access AWS AppSync, AWS Amplify etc. While creating the pool, use Google+ as the authentication provider. Enter <RANDOM_STRING> into it as the google client ID. For firebase users, u can get it by downloading the firebase config file from your project’s dashboard.

Step2: Second thing is to download the aws-exports.js file from the appsync console. Modify it as follows:

// WARNING: DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated by AWS Amplify. It will be overwritten.

const awsmobile = {



aws_appsync_region: “<AWS_REGION>”

aws_appsync_authenticationType: “API_KEY”,

aws_appsync_apiKey: “<APPSYNC_API_KEY>”,

// The following field aws_cognito_identity_pool_id is super-important



aws_cognito_region: “<COGNITO_AWS_REGION>”,


module.exports = awsmobile;

Step3: Test your function. The following code snippet can help you:

const { Auth } = require(“@aws-amplify/auth”);

const { Amplify } = require(“@aws-amplify/core”);

const { API } = require(“aws-amplify”);

const awsmobile = require(“./aws-exports”);


const testFederatedSignin = () => {

let domain = “<PROJECT_ID>”;

let token = “ey.…<FIREBASE_TOKEN>……Q”;

let expiresIn = 1800;

let user = {







expires_at: expiresIn * 1000 + new Date().getTime(), // the expiration timestamp




.then((cred) => {

// If success, you will get the AWS credentials

console.log(“Credentials are:”, cred);

return Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();


.then(async (user) => {

// If success, the user object you passed in Auth.federatedSignIn


.catch((e) => {




Let me know if u need more details in the comments. I will get back to you! On a tight schedule (what’s new😄)

